miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

Las primeras fotografías retocadas

El diario italiano Repubblica publicó las primeras fotografías retocadas de mediados del siglo XIX y XX, las cuales serán expuestas en octubre en el Museo Metropolitano de Nueva York.

Si bien actualmente la manipulación de las fotografías y la edición que se hace de ellas con programas como photoshop nos parece algo poco novedoso, a mediados del siglo XIX los fotógrafos debían recurrir a trucos caseros, como pinceladas, collage, superposiciones, entre otras, para poder obtener efectos diferentes para que sus fotografías tengan un toque fantástico y absurdo.

Unknown Artist, Man on Rooftop with Eleven Men in Formation on His Shoulders, ca. 1930, Collection of George Eastman House, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

La exposición pone en contracara a la trabajosa edición del siglo pasado por un lado, y la edición contemporánea digital por otro, así como la relación entre las mismas.

Unknown Artist, A Powerful Collision, 1910, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Unknown Artist, Man Drinking with the Moon, 1910, Twentieth-Century Photography Fund.

Unknown Artist, American Two-Headed Man, ca. 1855, Nelson-Atkins Museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Saint Thomas D'Aquin, Man Juggling His Own Head, De Torbéchet, Allain & C., ca. 1880, Collection of Christophe Goeury, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Barbara Morgan, Hearst Over The People, 1938-39, Archive Barbara Morgan.

Unknown Artist, Dirigible Docked on Empire State Building, New York, 1930,Twentieth-Century Photography Fund, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Maurice Tabard e Roger Parry, Room with Eye, 1930, The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund.

Grete Stern, Dream No. 1: "Electrical Appliances for the Home", ca. 1950, Twentieth-Century Photography Fund, Courtesy of Galería Jorge Mara - La Ruche, Buenos Aires.

F. Holland Day, The Vision (Orpheus Scene), 1907, National Media Museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

William Henry Jackson, Colorado Springs, ca. 1913, Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas, The Metropolitan Museum of ArtWilliam Henry Jackson - Colorado Springs.

Unknown Artist, Grüße aus Sachsen! Wo die hübschen Mädchen auf den Bäumen wachsen! Publisher: Neue Photographische Gesellschaft, ca. 1910, Twentieth-Century Photography Fund.

Maurice Guilbert e Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec as Artist and Model, 1892, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Gift of Henry P. Mcllhenny, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Unknown Artist, Nude Woman on Man's Necktie, Publisher: G.G. Company Gerlach & Martin Gerlach, Jr., 1911, Twentieth-Century Photography Fund.

William H. Martin, Carving One of Our Watermelons, 1909, Twentieth-Century Photography Fund.

George Washington Wallace - Aberdeen Portraits No. 1, 1857, The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Fund, through Joyce and Robert Menschel, 2011, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

George Platt Lynes, The Sleepwalker, 1935, Ford Motor Company Collection, Gift of Ford Motor Company and John C. Waddell, © Estate of George Platt Lynes.

Unknown Artist, Automobile Accident, San Francisco, 1953, The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Gift, through Joyce and Robert Menschel.

Herbert Bayer, Metamorphosis, 1936, Ford Motor Company Collection, Gift of Ford Motor Company and John C. Waddell, © 2011 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

Unknown Artist, Woman in Soap Bubbles, Publisher: Neue Photographische Gesellschaft, Philadelphia Postcard Co. ca. 1910, Twentieth-Century Photography Fund.

Unknown Artist, Scene of Murder and Decapitation, ca. 1870, Jennifer and Joseph Duke Gift.

Unknown Artist, A Pair of Hungry Pike, Printer: Canadian Post Card Company, 1911, Gift of Charles Isaacs and Carol Nigro.

Unknown Artist, couple with Figure of Cupid, ca. 1910, Twentieth-Century Photography Fund.

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